April 18, 2013

Crude Oil Buy-Zone gives early entry signal LONG

Crude Oil Day Trading

This morning we had an incredible day of trading in our live trade room, and this chart shows an excellent example of how we use our Anchor Charts to find the correct Buy and Sell Zones that tell us which direction to be trading in.  Once we found the 30-minute Buy Zone at 86.65 (left side) we were able to take profits on short positions and then once we got price to turn around and rise higher above the 86.65 it was an easy long trade back up to the next sell-zone at 87.80.

Looking at the 5-minute chart (right side) we can see that this Buy Zone was also combined with a Symmetry Pattern (which we LOVE) and that gave us a TON of confidence to get long at the 86.65 Buy Zone and use a profit target at the trigger zone 87.50 or sell zone 87.80.
Click ME to go to Vegas Baby!

What a day of trading in our live trade room!  

+120 ticks on the way down, +150 ticks on the way back up!


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