October 27, 2014

Automated Trading Strategy Review – E-Mini Russell Futures

Russell Auto Trader

The Russell has had quite the week with increased volatility to go along with the aggressive nature of the markets over the past week.

This increase has allowed the TREND Auto Trader to have a hayday banking us a profit of $530 this past week with relative ease!

Russell Performance

The Russell had an awesome week of trading bringin us in a profit of $530 in total!

We have our largest winning trade coming back at $1,050 while the largest losing trade is back at $920. Along with this, our average winning trade came in at $366 and the average loss at $325  for a reward vs. risk average of 1.13 and a total profit factor of 1.41.

We are seeing an increase in trades taken at 1.29 per day on average but the hold times have gone drastically higher as well up to 403.3 minutes. This shows us that the big winners are being held for a good long time to eek out the whole move!

Russell Executions

The Russell had quite a few trades fire off taking a total of 9 trades. This gives us a commission cost total of $55 with multiple contracts.

With the 9 total trades we had 5 as winning trades leaving the remaining 4 as losses. This gives us a winning percentage total of 55.56%!

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